My Beginnings: Part 1 of ?

I should not be alive.

The fact that I am even here is almost a miracle…or maybe it actually is.  Suffice it to say that due to a medical condition, my mom was told that there was basically zero chance of her ever having children.  And while the fact that I am here may oppose what my parents were told, it is not entirely false as I was her only child (verses “children”, get it?).

Knowing my mom, this probably was not terrible news, but not because of some anti-children stance she had.  It instead comes down to the fact that my mom was extremely nervous around babies.  Back when I was born there was no internet nor tons of book about rearing kids to read and give tips and pointers.  So pretty much she was afraid that she would mess up and drop a baby, or not know what to do when one was crying, and things like that.  Things that any new parent thinks or worries about to some amount but quickly gets over it…  But my mom, not so quickly.  My grandmother often told me about my mom in tears bringing me over to Grandma saying something to the effect of, “He just won’t stop crying and I don’t know what to do. He doesn’t like me!”  My mom would then hand me over to Grandma and almost like somebody threw a switch, I would stop fussing.  My mom was making ME upset!  It seems that we finally learned to get along and I think Dad has always been good with kids of any age anyway, so we survived. 

Why am I here again?  Well, to make it a totally PG story, and really I am not sure how it could be otherwise, let me put it this way…  You know how if you leave your house thinking, no… KNOWING that it will not rain that day and there is NO way you can get wet, you certainly do not carry an umbrella with you?  Well it rained, and 9 months later, here I am!  Maybe it is not a miracle but it was surely a surprising event, and in at least one thesaurus, that is the first description under “miracle”

And now I bid you good day, night, or whatever the time is where you are reading this.  While it may not provide many details about “Be The Sloan” yet, I had to start my story somewhere. So therein lies is how my parents Begat The Sloan.


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