
Showing posts from January, 2010

Be The Pool

My back yard was a mess: But it’s getting better:

It can be hard to find time to Be The Sloan

When you are on call for you team for the past week, it can be difficult to find time to Be The Sloan.  My on call started Monday morning at 8am, and so far I’ve had one night were I got to sleep until my alarm work me up.  I even got a call just before 5am today (Saturday). Since I was up, I decided to just Be The Sloan and stay up after I got the problem resolved at 6.  Made some coffee and fixed breakfast for the family.  Then went to the kids’ basketball games. Be The Sloan

Ready for the week

It looks like it is going to be a good week to Be The Sloan.  Weather looks good for riding the motorcycle to work at least at the first of the week.  And even if it goes to pot and starts raining, I’ll still be on it!

Being The Sloan - Riding a motorcycle in cold weather

Yep, it was cold Monday morning.  Cold for Texas anyway.  It was right at the freezing level when The Sloan got up, and by the time I got my stuff loaded and got onto the motorcycle my gauge was showing 34 degrees.  But the roads were dry and I have the right cold weather gear so driving a car to work never entered my mind.  The sun was up, it was warming up fast, and it was 40 degrees when I pulled into the garage at work 17 miles later. From non-riding friends The Sloan hears all sorts of comments and questions containing words like “crazy”, “nuts”, “fool”, and “insane”.  But he also hears words like “dedicated”, “hard core”, and the occasional “brave”.  Addressing each of those and the many others would take more time than I have right now, but basically unless you have personally ridden a motorcycle, you probably would not understand anyway.  In the United States, to the non-rider (and many who do ride), a motorcycle is a hobby, a toy, and something they just do for fun.  To me a

My Earliest Memory

In another blog entry, I mentioned my earliest memory being somewhere around age 2.  I had to go look it up.  It wasn’t too difficult because it was an Apollo moon launch, or at least it was a Saturn V rocket.  The last launch of a Saturn V that was going to the moon was Apollo 17 on December 7, 1972 but that was a night launch at about midnight and I remember the scene being in the daylight.  The previous daytime launch was Apollo 16 on April 16, 1972 so to my best recollection this was it.  I have memories of other people watching it on TV talking about it being a moon landing, so I would think this would be it.  No matter how accurate it all is, my earliest memory is of watching a television broadcast of a Saturn V rocket launch.  What is the earliest/first thing you can remember? Oh, and Be The Sloan

My Beginnings: Part 1 of ?

I should not be alive. The fact that I am even here is almost a miracle…or maybe it actually is.  Suffice it to say that due to a medical condition, my mom was told that there was basically zero chance of her ever having children.  And while the fact that I am here may oppose what my parents were told, it is not entirely false as I was her only child (verses “children”, get it?). Knowing my mom, this probably was not terrible news, but not because of some anti-children stance she had.  It instead comes down to the fact that my mom was extremely nervous around babies.  Back when I was born there was no internet nor tons of book about rearing kids to read and give tips and pointers.  So pretty much she was afraid that she would mess up and drop a baby, or not know what to do when one was crying, and things like that.  Things that any new parent thinks or worries about to some amount but quickly gets over it…  But my mom, not so quickly.  My grandmother often told me about my mom in t

Who is “The Sloan”?

The name itself is not very common.  I do not believe that it is even in the top 1000 of male nor female names in the United States.  According to the Social Security web site, only in 2008 did even the spelling of “Sloane” appear as the #999 most common female name.  Sloan is surely more common as a last name with this spelling.  I once saw that still only about .018% of last names in the US are Sloan.  Well, how did I end up with it?  I do not remember exactly.  As I was only present at the VERY end of the story and my very earliest glimmer of a memory that I have is around age 2, I am going from what I remember being told and I do not remember it exactly.  Some suggest an old show from 1979 titled, “ A Man Called Sloane ” but I was not born in nor near 1979.  Still, there was a character and/or show with a female Sloane character some time before I was born.  My mom-to-be thought it was a neat sounding name and that if she had a little girl some day, she would name her Sloane.  So