Yep, it was cold Monday morning. Cold for Texas anyway. It was right at the freezing level when The Sloan got up, and by the time I got my stuff loaded and got onto the motorcycle my gauge was showing 34 degrees. But the roads were dry and I have the right cold weather gear so driving a car to work never entered my mind. The sun was up, it was warming up fast, and it was 40 degrees when I pulled into the garage at work 17 miles later. From non-riding friends The Sloan hears all sorts of comments and questions containing words like “crazy”, “nuts”, “fool”, and “insane”. But he also hears words like “dedicated”, “hard core”, and the occasional “brave”. Addressing each of those and the many others would take more time than I have right now, but basically unless you have personally ridden a motorcycle, you probably would not understand anyway. In the United States, to the non-rider (and many who do ride), a motorcycle is a hobby, a toy, and someth...